There are still some places left on the two Robert Mustard Sensei Gasshuku in October 2001. The dates are as follows;
• Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd October – Barnstaple, Devon
• Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th October – Preston

For close to 10 years Robert Mustard Sensei trained as a student of Soke Gozo Shioda, founder of Yoshinkan Aikido,Takafumi Takeno Sensei, 9th Dan; and Tsutomu Chida Sensei, 8th Dan. In 1991 Mustard Sensei was appointed Itaku Shidoin by Shioda Kancho and remained the Chief Foreign Instructor at the Yoshinkan Honbu Dojo, Tokyo, Japan until he moved back to Canada in 1995.
Today he is recognized worldwide as being among the very best Yoshinkan Aikido practitioners and instructors.

If you are interested either of these seminars, contact Phil asap.