Genryukan Aikido

Next week at Genryukan Dojo

We are very fortunate through our good friends at sister club Mushin no shin, to have Mick Pratt (4th Dan) visiting us next Monday. Mick is a Manager of the BAA National Aikido squad, so this is an opportunity not to be missed for all Genryukan students.

Below is a video of Mick competing in open kata competition last year in Kyoto;


Shoshin (Beginner’s Mind)


One of the most profound secrets of learning anything new is keeping what has been called a “Beginner’s Mind”.
What is Beginner’s Mind? Well part of it is described very well by the famous Zen story known as:

Empty Your Cup

A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. The master poured the visitor’s cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain himself. “It’s overfull! No more will go in!” the professor blurted. “You are like this cup,” the master replied, “How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup.”

So to begin, we must all empty our cups of all the preconceived ideas, concepts, techniques and methods that prevent us from receiving the new. This seems like a simple thing to do, but can be quite difficult in practice. At first we think we are emptying our cups but as we drink from the new knowledge we detect residual tastes of the “old”. Sometimes this new mixture can be sweet, like adding honey to tea, but sometimes even a little residue can curdle the whole mix, like adding lemon juice to milk. We must not only empty our cups, but make sure we have a “clean receptacle” so we may taste the “true essence” of the new knowledge.



Emergency First Aid at Work

This 1-day first aid course has been scheduled due to the volume of persons asking for training so they are covered in their respective dojos.

The course will be instructed by Mark Ball, a Genryukan student. The price is still to be announced but we will make sure it is as cheap as possible.

The course will result in certification for a 3 year period, a manual will also be provided for each student.

Mushin dojo have very kindly put forward their dojo as the venue.

The course will run for no longer than 6 hours and will cover A LOT!!!!!! As there are only 12 places on this course, so please let us know asap if you would like to attend, first come first served!!

Contact Phil at


Locks & Controls with Paul Smith

Tonight, Genryukan played host to Paul Smith from Mushin no shin Aikido in Cheriton.

Paul took the class through various applications of aikido locks and controls.


The emphasis was on moving uke as a single unit, and the lack of need for pain compliance.

The session was great fun and I think thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Our thanks go to Paul for taking the class.


20th September – ukemi session

Recap of last night session:

Warmup & stretches

Unsoku & Tegatana dosa

Explanation and in-depth practice of:

  • Back-breakfalls
  • Side breakfalls
  • Forward rolls
  • rolling backrolls
  • Flips

Plus breakfall practice from the following techniques:

  • shomen ate
  • kote-gaeshi
  • mae otoshi

The emphasis was on the importance of safety and relaxing when taking ukemi in order to prevent injury.
