Joe Thambu Shihan (7th Dan), Aikido Shudokan UK Seminar 7th & 8th May 2011

Thambu Sensei

Thambu Shihan, the chief instructor of the Shudokan, Melbourne, Australia, has been a student of Aikido for over 35 years. In this time, he has had the opportunity to train under many great Instructors

2010 marks Sensei Joe’s thirtieth year of having brought Yoshinkan Aikido to Australia, and teaching men, women and children, he continues to spread the art with recent visits to Malaysia, Canada, United States, Europe and Japan.

In early 2008 he was also awarded the rank of seventh dan black belt by the Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation and bestowed with the title of ‘Shihan’ later that year.

Click here for seminar application details


Collecting first Instalment for Mustard Sensei Evening

I will be from today, collecting the first instalment towards the Mustard Sensei evening on 4th October 2011. Full price for the evening is £20, payable over 4 instalments of £5 between now and October. This special extra training evening is strictly limited to 20 students. Therefore on receipt of this first payment your place will be secured.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.



Saturday Training

All Genryukan students please note we have moved Saturday training times back by half an hour.

So Saturday training is now from 9.30am – 11.30am.

In other news – To further our aim of giving excellent value for money, all students who complete 2 subsequent training sessions at Genryukan Dover within a 7 day period, will receive £1 off the usual 2 hour session fee. This means, any student who attends on both Monday and Saturday will save £2 a week. For those mathematically minded folks, this represents a 20% saving off the regular session fees and a whopping 33% off Student & concessions fees. We hope this proves a popular initiative.


Video from Monday (Shaun Hoddy Sensei)

I managed to cobble together what I could from Monday’s session. I’m not very good with video editing, and its seems more than a little glitchy. I couldn’t get it to overlay my music like normal, so I let Youtube choose a track automatically, and I think it did rather well…… Enjoy


Monday Training – Shaun Hoddy Sensei

Last night, Genryukan Dojo had the pleasure of training with Shaun Hoddy Sensei (6th Dan ZETAR).
Shaun Hoddy Sensei

Shaun took the class through the following;


Randori No Kata;
Shomen ate,
Aigamae ate

Goshin Ho;
Jodan no kuzushi aigamae ushiro ate
Jodan no kuzushi gyakugamae ushiro ate
Gedan no kuzushi aigamae kotegaeshi
Gedan no kuzushi gyakugamae kotegaeshi
Koho no kuzushi ryote oshitaoshi
Koho no kuzushi ryote ushiro ate

Tanto Kakarigeiko & Hikitategeiko

Shaun also presented Jim with Sandan, and Lis with Shodan menjo certificates.

Photos from last night can be viewed in the our gallery

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the session.  Our many thanks go to Shaun for driving down from Essex to take the class.
